Former Trump communications adviser: 2020 could be about who keeps Americans safe from coronavirus

Former senior communications adviser for President Trump’s 2016 campaign Jason Miller warned that the November 2020 election could be a race over which leader can guard the United States from the coronavirus outbreak.

Miller, who is also the co-host of the “War Room: 2020” podcast, in an interview with Hill.TV Friday cautioned Americans to consider the coronavirus – which has infected tens of thousands around the world – as a long-term challenge for the country.

Stocks plunged Thursday and Friday amid fears of the virus that has continued to spread around the world, but Miller said that containing the spread of the virus that began in China “is a much longer game here.”

“This isn’t something about quelling the market for a couple of days or even into next week. We could literally, as we talk about the political ramification, the November 2020 election could be a decision on who is best to keep us safe in the face of this coronavirus – Sanders or Trump?” Miller said. “That could be the ultimate decision as much as we talk about economy and other things.”

Miller said he was glad the president held his Wednesday press conference addressing the coronavirus outbreak and announcing that Vice President Pence would lead the administration’s coronavirus response.

“Here’s why I like why the president went out and did that because the nation needed to hear from him. I think he went out and made sure that people understood the severity and just how serious this is, but he also put Vice President Pence in charge there and had the whole rest of the team with him,” Miller told Hill.TV.

The president tried to bolster confidence in his administration’s handling of the spread of the virus Wednesday. However, he faced some criticism for countering Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials, who told lawmakers Tuesday that the spread of the disease in the U.S. is inevitable.

“I don’t think it’s inevitable,” Trump said during the press conference. “It could be at a very small level.”

More than 2,800 people have died from the coronavirus, and it has infected more than 83,000 people worldwide.

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