Young Turks host: Warren should drop out, back Sanders

The Young Turks’ host John Iadarola said Tuesday that Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) has no clear path towards the Democratic presidential nomination.

“The two paths that she potentially sees to winning do not actually exist,” Iadarola told Hill.TV. “There is no electoral path, she’s potentially not going to win a single state, including [Massachusetts].”

To clinch the Democratic presidential nomination, a candidate must have 1,991 pledged delegates. Doing well in California, which boasts 415 pledged delegates, would help any of the candidates get closer to that number. 

After being crowded for months, the Democratic primary race has thinned since the weekend, with billionaire Tom Steyer, Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and former South Bend, Ind. Mayor Pete Buttigieg all withdrawing from the race. Buttigieg and Klobuchar have since endorsed former Vice President Joe Biden, whose campaign has found new life after a huge victory in South Carolina’s primary on Saturday.

Most of the recent national polls have Warren — who has run on a progressive platform similar to Sanders’ — in fourth behind Sanders, Biden and Bloomberg. 

“The best that she can possibly do, for the country, for the [progressive] movement and for herself and her future is to drop out now and support Bernie Sanders,” Iadarola said.

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