Kyle Kulinski: What went wrong for the Sanders campaign

Kyle Kulinski, the progressive host of “The Kyle Kulinski Show,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) ultimately failed in his second presidential campaign due to his closer proximity to the Democratic Party since 2016 and the loss of an effective foil in Hillary Clinton.

“I think it was a little bit of the Hillary thing and a little bit…that he was more now associated with the Democratic Party and not just purely an outsider,” Kulinski said on Hill.TV’s “Rising” Friday.

The remarks come two days after Sanders suspended his White House campaign after falling about 300 delegates behind former Vice President Joe Biden. Sanders will still remain on upcoming ballots to try to rack up more delegates to try to sway the party’s platform at the Democratic National Convention this summer.

While there appears to be minimal personal animosity between Sanders and Biden, some of Sanders’s progressive supporters have shirked Biden’s centrist brand of politics, warning that he will fail to energize younger Democrats and lose to President Trump.

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