Former Sanders aide says campaign was ‘historic’ in terms of Latino turnout

Chuck Rocha, a senior adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) now-ended presidential campaign, said Monday that the Sanders campaign was historic in terms of Latino turnout. 

“We ran the most historic Latino turnout operation in the history of any kind of political campaign, which keep in mind was a low bar. Not many people had done any Latino outreach to really speak of other than running a badly translated Univision commercial,” Rocha said in an interview with The Hill.TV’s “Rising.”

Rocha said that he built on the model used by the Sanders campaign in primary states when forming his newly launched Nuestro PAC.

The PAC is aimed at mobilizing Latino voters in key states in the general election for the presidential race, as well as for House and Senate races, he said. 

“This was something I had to myself create, because I wanted to make sure when this thing was over people couldn’t say, ‘well we wanted to do Latino outreach, but there really wasn’t a partisan vehicle out there, and there really wasn’t a team that knew how to do it,’ ” he said.

“Well guess what boys and girls? I’ve got the team, I got the PAC, but guess what? Bernie Sanders has been out now a month and ain’t nobody called me.”

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