Michael Moore on consumer economy’s environmental impact: ‘Growth is really the death of us’

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore said Tuesday that the country’s economic system encourages consumption and growth, which he claims “is really the death of us.”

Moore told Hill.TV that the U.S. economy and Wall Street require companies to increase growth and profits every year, which boosts consumption above what the population actually needs. 

“What we’ve signed up for by agreeing to this economic system that we have in our country is that we’re supposed to need more, more, more, more, more,” Moore said. “This has and is killing this planet.”

The Academy Award-winning filmmaker said the U.S. and its residents never pause to contemplate whether they have “enough,” calling that word “the dirtiest word in capitalism.”

“But because we are told we need more and companies are punished by Wall Street if they don’t do more and grow more, growth is really the death of us,” he said.  

Hill.TV interviewed Moore and his associates to discuss their new documentary “Planet of the Humans,” which criticizes the environmentalism movement for what they see as “selling out” to corporate America. 

The film, which is available online, has been condemned by some climate experts as “dangerous, misleading and destructive,” The Guardian reported.

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