Trump campaign defends administration’s response to coronavirus crisis

Marc Lotter, a top aide on President Trump’s reelection campaign, defended the administration’s handling of the coronavirus, saying the president’s actions have “protected lives.”

“As we come through this, as the country reopens and people realize that the president’s leadership actually protected lives, I think you’ll see that quickly bounce back,” Lotter, the campaign’s director of strategic communications, said on Hill.TV’s “Rising” when asked about a dip in support from seniors.

Lotter said the administration will also focus on preparing resources to beat back a future pandemic or a resurgence of the coronavirus after the country was caught flat footed in its response to the current crisis. 

“What I think you will see as we emerge from the coronavirus is you will start to see not only a focus on reopening the economy, but bringing manufacturing back from China to the United States so we don’t find ourselves in an area where we are lacking in critical infrastructure and equipment because we’re relying on overseas manufacturing,” he said.

“You’ll also see steps I believe taken by the federal government to say, ‘what do we need to do to prepare ourselves for the next coronavirus or another virus out there?’”

See more of the interview with Lotter above.

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