Trump campaign: 2016 wasn’t a fluke

The communications director of President Trump’s campaign said Wednesday that 2016 was not a fluke and “was only a surprise to people” who depended on public polls.

“2016 was not a fluke,” Campaign spokesman Tim Murtaugh told Hill.TV. “It was only a surprise to those people who were believing the public polls, and I think that’s what the news media and others are falling into the trap of again.”

Murtaugh said the news media still needs to “learn any lessons” from its coverage of the 2016 election and “get outraged at him at the smallest things.”

“If anybody is still reliving 2016, it’s the news media,” he said. “They still don’t know what to make of Donald Trump.”

The campaign spokesman continued by saying his team is aiming to run based on Trump’s record as president.

“I think it’s actually the Democrats and the news media who are falling back on their old way of looking at things and looking at Donald Trump,” Murtaugh said.

Experts have said Trump won the 2016 election by winning over late-deciding candidates who had a negative view of both him and then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. 

Polls this month have shown former Vice President Joe Biden with a slight lead above President Trump.

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