Nina Turner on supporting black communities: ‘This is not about being a Twitter warrior’

Nina Turner, a former top aide for Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) presidential campaign, said African Americans need white allies to be more than “Twitter warriors” in advocating against police brutality and racism.

“I’m tired of folks doing this, this is not about being a Twitter warrior,” she said Thursday on Hill.TV’s “Rising.” “We don’t need that. What we need from white America and everybody else, because I’m talking about racism and anti-blackness, two distinct and equal phenomenon, but don’t just be out there and be Twitter warriors. What are you going to do about it?”

The remarks come after the death of George Floyd while in police custody in Minneapolis, with a clip of him being pinned down by his neck by a white police officer going viral and sparking two consecutive nights of protests.

Video also emerged in recent days of a white woman in New York threatening to call the police on Christian Cooper, a black man, for asking her to leash her dog in Central Park. The woman later apologized.

You can watch more of Turner’s interview above.

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