Women for Trump leader says president’s job program will boost reelection effort

Pam Bondi, the co-chairwoman of Women for Trump, said she is confident that President Trump’s efforts to bring back jobs lost during the coronavirus pandemic will boost his reelection prospects.

The White House received good news late last week when the Labor Department announced U.S. employers added 2.5 million jobs in May and unemployment dropped to 13.3 percent, a point Trump’s campaign has hyped. 

“That was the largest job increase in one month in American history,” Bondi said Wednesday on Hill.TV’s “Rising.” “Those are real numbers. Those are real jobs. … This was an artificial shutdown of the economy, and now [Trump] is bringing it back.” 

Trump’s campaign made the booming economy a centerpiece of its messaging before the coronavirus shuttered businesses, idling tens of millions of people. It has recently seized on economic news to convince voters that the president will be able to restore the economy to its pre-pandemic heights.

You can watch more of Bondi’s interview above.

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