Author and journalist Matt Taibbi criticized Robin DiAngelo’s bestselling book “White Fragility” as the “corporate vision of how to tackle racism.”
Taibbi said in a Hill.TV this past week there is an “extraordinary irony” in white Americans elevating a white corporate consultant to the top of bestseller lists in the wake of George Floyd’s killing by police in Minneapolis.
In the book, which has seen a resurgence in popularity amid the nationwide reckoning on race relations, DiAngelo lays out her theory on white Americans’ defensiveness when it comes to addressing racism.
“This is how they want to reinterpret their racial issues,” he said. “This is the racism problem as seen through the lens of somebody who makes thousands of dollars an hour, being hired by companies.”
Taibbi said that rather than confronting how they contribute to systematic racism, companies tend to force their employees into trainings with outside academics like DiAngelo.
“This is how corporate America views the race problem, it views it as an individual issue that where racism is is sort of inexorably stuck in all of us and the only way that we can combat it is through relentlessly listening to corporate consultants,” Taibbi said.
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