Ex-Clinton adviser defends Democrats’ showcasing of Republicans

A former adviser to Bill and Hillary Clinton is defending the Democratic National Convention’s schedule, which has come under criticism.

During a Wednesday appearance on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” Richard Goodstein stood by a decision by convention organizers to feature Republican leaders like former Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) and former Secretary of State Colin Powell. Critics have argued that progressives were not given enough time for their remarks. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), for example, was given one minute to speak on Tuesday night. 

Goodstein argued that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was given a “prominent role” in the convention, noting that issues will drive younger progressive voters to turn out.  

“I think the issues are presumably what’s going to speak to young people,” he said. “If they care about climate change, if they care about health care, if they care about racial inequality, if they care about economic justice, this is not a close call.”

“If they’re indifferent and are perfectly happy with another four years of Donald Trump, yes they will stay home,” he added.

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