Florida Democratic strategist says Biden may not have done enough to shake Trump’s socialism claims

Florida Democratic strategist Colin Rogero in an interview with Hill.TV’s “Rising” said Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s campaign may not have done enough to counter the Trump campaign’s arguments targeting Latino voters that the Democrat backs socialism.

Trump has sought to cast Biden and his polices as the same as Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), even though the former vice president is to the right of both of the more progressive politicians.

Republicans have zeroed-in on the message in Florida, which has large populations of Cuban-Americans and Venezeulan-Americans. Polls show a tight race in the state, which Trump won four years ago.


“I think there’s some issues that there wasn’t a counter narrative to that socialism,” Rogero said. “There wasn’t a direct message saying that, ‘No, Joe Biden is all about the American dream. He himself is ascendant and you have to understand that that ability to ascend in your own life is going to be protected and not dampened with a Joe Biden administration.’ That’s the message we haven’t had.”

Rogero also said that President Trump’s “tough-guy” persona may have resonated in the Latino community especially among those who value “machismo,” an aggressive pride in masculinity.

An NBC News/Washington Post/Telemundo poll released on Sunday showed the former Vice President led Trump among Latino voters nationwide by a 2-1 margin with 62 percent supporting Biden and 29 percent going for Trump. 

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