Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s Bluestein on Georgia recount: ‘The results still stand’

Greg Bluestein, a political reporter for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution said on Hill.TV’s “Rising” Friday that the results of Georgia’s presidential election recount “still stand” and President-elect Joe Biden has won the Peach state. 

With all of the state’s 159 counties reporting the results of the hand recount, Biden holds a 12,284-vote lead over President Trump, a number slightly narrower than the roughly 14,000-vote lead the president-elect held in the initial vote tally. 

“The results still stand,” Bluestein said. “That’s what state election officials always said, was that there wasn’t going to be enough votes found in any recount to overturn the results of this election.” 

Now that the recount is complete, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Raffensperger (R) has until Friday to certify the election results. 

Biden is the first Democrat since 1992 to carry the state in the presidential election. 

–Updated on Nov. 22 at 1:27 p.m.


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