Eric Weinstein: It’s time to end the business model of division

Eric Weinstein, managing director of investment firm Thiel Capital, is calling on industries including the news media to end the “business model that is based upon dividing the country” in the wake of last week’s deadly pro-Trump mob attack on the Capitol. 

In a Friday interview on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” Weinstein, who also hosts “The Portal” podcast, said that the U.S. is now increasingly divided into two “cults,” one right-wing and the other on the left. 

“More or less, those of us who have a business model that is based upon dividing the country have to realize that we are about to saw off the branch on which we rest,” he said. “Really the choice is ours, and I think the key issue is that only a tiny number of people have tried to call balls and strikes as opposed to demonizing one side from the other.” 

Weinstein then added that to many Americans, “there’s nothing better than feeling you are a part of an exciting team on a conquest to save the country for the good of the world,” claiming that many of those who participated in the violent raid at the Capitol felt this way. 

“People larped their way to an early death, in particular a veteran from San Diego who walked right into a bullet, clearly feeling that she was invincible as if she was part of the Boxer Rebellion,” Weinstein added, referring to the Air Force veteran who was shot and killed by a plainclothes officer during last week’s mob attack. 

Watch part of Weinstein’s interview above.

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