Rev. Barber says best way to undercut extremism is with honesty

Rev. William Barber, president of Repairers of the Breach, said Thursday that the only way to undermine extremism in the U.S. is to be honest with the American people.

Speaking on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” Barber who also co-chairs the Poor People’s Campaign, said the group will be judging President Biden’s policies based on whether he holds to constitutional values and the principles of the Bible.

“What we’re going to do is [with] every piece of public policy, we’re going to lay the Constitution on top of it and say does it establish justice? Does it provide for the common defense? Does it promote the general welfare? Does it guarantee equal protection under the law?” he said.

“And then, we’re going to lay our deepest religious values on top of it — is it rooted in love and justice and mercy and grace and truth? And that’s how we’re going to judge whether it’s a good piece public policy or a bad piece of public policy.”

Barber also said he’s encouraged the president to be direct with the American people about what his policy proposals will do for them.

“Tell the people what that policy will do, that’s the way you undermine the lies of extremism that will quickly say this radical or this is socialism,” he said. “Undercut that by actually laying the truth out before the people.”

“And I bet you we will find … enough people who ultimately want this nation to be one national indivisible with liberty and justice for all and under God.”

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