Sirota: It’s up to Democrats to hold Cuomo accountable

David Sirota, a prominent progressive activist and founder of the Daily Poster, said it’s up to Democrats whether New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) will be held accountable for his administration’s handling of COVID-19 deaths in nursing homes.

“The question now is whether the Democrats in New York, in the legislature, in the law enforcement apparatus, and whether the Biden administration actually does a full and complete investigation and holds Cuomo accountable,” Sirota said on Hill.TV’s “Rising.”

“There’s talk of impeachment, there’s talk of all sorts of things, and the question is going to be whether what has come out—the facts that have come out—will actually create any kind of accountability or whether there will still be a culture of impunity,” Sirota continued.

Cuomo’s administration is reportedly under federal investigation for the way it handled COVID-19 outbreaks in nursing homes.

The governor has faced scrutiny over the past month after New York Attorney General Letitia James (D) released a report finding that the state underreported deaths tied to COVID-19 in nursing homes.

A top aide also said that the state “froze” by not releasing data on such deaths in order to avoid federal scrutiny, saying officials feared the full figures would be “used against us.”

James’s report found that New York had underreported nursing home deaths by up to 50 percent.

“I mean 15,000 people died in those nursing homes. If the political system can’t hold this governor accountable, then it can’t hold anyone accountable,” Sirota said.

Watch part of Sirota’s interview above

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