Democratic NY legislator: Sexual harassment allegations show ‘clear pattern of Cuomo’s abuse of power’

New York state Assemblyman Ron Kim (D) on Wednesday said the sexual harassment allegations against Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) from three different women show “a clear pattern” of an “abuse of power” for which the legislator said the governor must “be held accountable.” 

Kim said on Hill.TV’s “Rising” that lawmakers have “seen enough” of Cuomo’s “predatory behaviors and abuse of power.” 

“The credible allegations of sexual harassment made by these brave women coming forward show a clear pattern of Cuomo’s abuse of power, and I believe the governor will be held accountable for sexual harassment,” Kim said. 

“But to be clear, a resignation does not equate to accountability,” the assemblyman, who last month said Cuomo threatened him, continued. “We still need to thoroughly investigate his actions of allowing top donors to write deadly policies like corporate immunity for nursing homes, and we must charge him for sexual harassment.” 

In addressing Cuomo’s office admitting that it intentionally withheld data on coronavirus deaths in New York nursing homes, Kim argued that the governor “prioritized the interests of his top corporate donors, hospital and nursing home donors, over saving people’s lives.” 

“For this, he needs to be held accountable, because 15,000 families deserve justice,” referring to the total number of coronavirus deaths recorded in long-term care facilities in the state. 

Watch part of Kim’s interview above.

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