Editor at conservative journal: Trumpism has become something ‘between a business and a racket’

Assistant editor at the conservative publication American Greatness, Pedro Gonzalez, on Monday said that Trumpism had progressed past being a movement and had become something “between a business and a racket.”

Appearing on Hill.TV’s “Rising,” host Saager Enjeti asked Gonzalez what the current state of Trumpism in the U.S. was, noting that although former President Trump had partially defined it as great trade deals, one of the candidates he has endorsed, Jerry Moran (R-Kans.), has openly spoken out against some of Trump’s trade practices.

“Well, Eric Hoffer, a 20th Century working-class intellectual, once wrote that every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business and eventually degenerates into a racket. And unfortunately, I think the Trump movement is somewhere between a business and a racket. In other words, a grift,” Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez said that although Trump had campaigned against the so-called “establishment,” his movement had essentially become the “establishment 2.0.”

Gonzalez pointed to other GOP candidates he said do not necessarily align with the movement that Trump started in 2016, including Ohio GOP Senate candidate Jane Timken and Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.)

“So the law-and-order MAGA movement is giving the nod to people like this and so — what explains that, and I think that is the sad truth, is that MAGA, which railed against the establishment and ‘Conservatism Inc.’ has just become ‘MAGA Inc.'”

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