Seattle’s lone socialist city council member, Kshama Sawant, blamed “profit-driven billionaires” for the disparity in vaccination rates between high-income and low-income countries during an interview Monday on Hill.TV’s “Rising.”
Speaking with co-host Krystal Ball, Sawant detailed her response to the problem: an upcoming resolution calling on the Biden administration to support patent waivers for U.S.-produced vaccines that would allow facilities in other countries to begin manufacturing generic vaccines based on Pfizer and Moderna’s formulas.
“This is a humanitarian crisis … on an industrial, unprecedented scale,” she said.
“This afternoon…I’m bringing a resolution for a vote…if this resolution passes, [it] urges the Biden administration to end the U.S. opposition to the waiver for these so-called WTO [World Trade Organization] rules, so that countries can use the publicly-shared research…for the production of COVID-19 vaccines, such as the mRNA research that is owned or co-owned by the U.S.,” Sawant continued.
Watch more of the discussion above.
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