Reporter Jordan Chariton warns against cancel culture among progressives

Jordan Chariton, a reporter and CEO of the independent news outlet Status Coup, told Hill.TV that YouTube wars among progressives are “non-productive” and “dangerous to actually achieving anything.”

“It’s this kind of understandable anger, understandable frustration that has evolved into an all-or-nothing, black-or-white politics that if you’re not breathing 100 percent what we want, if you’re not, you know, with us 1,000 percent of the way, if you’re not doing the same tactics and strategies we want you to do then you’re giving cover for the Democratic Party or you’re a fraud,” he said.

In a series of tweets earlier this month, Chariton criticized “cancellation” in the progressive movement and instead encouraged a shift to “actually focusing on taking down this corrupt system.”

In one tweet he said there’s a difference between “disagreeing or being disappointed and creating a progressive movement that spends more time eating its own than actually organizing to fight.”

When speaking to Hill.TV, Chariton said progressives should shift their focus away from YouTube hosts and toward “establishment media” and the “Democratic Party” instead.

“If we’re all going to spend the rest of the decade on, you know, attacking this channel or this host or this one’s canceled or that, well, I think the establishment media as well as the Democratic Party loves that because then there’s very little attention on what they’re doing,” he said.

Chariton added that there’s a difference between cancel culture and criticism.

“There’s nothing wrong with criticizing politicians on YouTube. There’s nothing wrong with criticizing YouTube hosts. But, at a certain point do you want to win? Do you want to achieve policy goals or do you want to play a game of like ‘Survivor’ — who’s the last real progressive standing?”

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