Journalist Ross Barkan told Hill.TV that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) had to resign because he “did not have friends” in government.
“The actual Democrats in New York who work in politics or in elected office are very sick and tired of Andrew Cuomo.” Barkan said Hill.TV’s “Rising.”
“Andrew Cuomo did not have friends in government, that’s why he had to resign.”
Barkan added that Cuomo could have survived the scandal if he were beloved and had deep ties with Democrats. Elected officials, labor unions and other interest groups, however, “collectively decided” to cut ties with the governor, Barkan said.
“The reason he had to go so quickly was so many people— from labor unions from elected officials, legislative leaders, special interest groups — they all collectively decided they had enough of him. So it’s hard to imagine the powers that be come together and say we want more of Andrew Cuomo, when they can really get what they need out of someone else,” he said.
Barkan is the author of the book “The Prince: Andrew Cuomo, Coronavirus, and the Fall of New York.”
Watch part of the interview above
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