Former U.S. ambassador Sam Brownback says there’s a “huge threat” to global freedom if China heightens its presence in Africa.
Brownback, who was the U.S. ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom from 2018 to 2021, joined Hill.TV’s “Rising” to discuss why it’s important for the United States to help Africa recover from the coronavirus pandemic to counter China’s influence.
“There’s a huge threat,” Brownback said of a heightened Chinese presence in Africa.
“They want that model of authoritarian control to expand around the world and they’re playing big in Africa. That hurts us if you get more countries going to this authoritarian model,” he continued. “Plus, there’s just the raw resource issue that China has been after for decades now in Africa, tying up these raw resources for their global economic dominance that they seek.”
Watch part of the interview above.
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