Max Lott, writer of the Maximum Truth newsletter, said on Hill.TV’s “Rising” Wednesday that some of the military setbacks that Russia has sustained in its war with Ukraine have been “overstated” by the media.
“There’s no doubt it’s been slightly overstated,” Lott said when asked if portrayals of Russia’s setbacks in Western media were accurate. “It is easy to look at anecdotes of a soldier giving a confession video about how terrible it is.”
However, Lott said there were some areas where Russian forces have had trouble making progress after close to a month into the invasion.
The Ukrainian military as well as armed civilians have worked together to beat back Russian forces, meeting them with unexpected strength during the conflict.
“Looking at just the map, the Russian forces are stalled almost everywhere except the south and east where they are continuing to make slow gains,” Lott said.
“I think it’s a mixed picture. It certainly was a huge debacle for the Russians. They weren’t expecting this much resistance and I think it’s obviously been a mess from their perspective,” he added.
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