GOP pollster: The 2016 election never ended

Republican pollster Jim McLaughlin said Thursday that the U.S. has been in a “perpetual election” since the 2016 presidential race, citing an atmosphere of intense partisanship across the country. 

“We are in the perpetual election right now,” McLaughlin told The Hill’s Bob Cusack on “What America’s Thinking.” 

“Really, 2016 has never stopped, and there’s a lot of partisanship that’s going on. And just look back at some of the events of the last couple of weeks, whether it was [White House press secretary] Sarah [Huckabee] Sanders not being served in a restaurant, or you have somebody like Maxine Waters [D-Calif.], who is one of the Democratic leaders, basically telling people to go out there and protest Republicans.”

— Julia Manchester


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