Dem pollster: Women are less likely to support abortion rights than men

Democratic pollster Celinda Lake said on Friday that women are more likely to oppose abortion rights than men.

“Women are much less likely to be pro-choice,” Lake, who is the president of Lake Research, told Hill TV’s Joe Concha on “What America’s Thinking.” 

“Women are more religious than men, and so women are slightly less pro-choice than men,” she continued. 

Various studies have shown that there is not a significant difference between men and women’s views on abortion. 

Gallup found in a May 2018 poll that 26 percent of men said they favored access to legal abortion under all circumstances, while 31 percent of women said they agreed. 

The same survey found that 19 percent of both men and women said abortion should be completely illegal. 

A 2016 study done by The Marist Poll found that people who described themselves as practicing a religion were more likely to self-identify as “pro-life” than “pro-choice” by a 58 percent to 37 percent margin. The poll also found that 30 percent of religiously observant respondents who called themselves “pro-choice” said they would sometimes think of themselves as “pro-life.”

Lake’s comments come as President Trump prepares to announce his pick to replace swing-vote Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. 

Kennedy’s departure has given Trump the opportunity to appoint a conservative to the court, sparking fears among liberals about the future of rulings such as Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion. 

—Julia Manchester

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