GOP pollster: Fear of Dem majority will bring Republicans together

GOP pollster Brett Loyd said on Wednesday that the Republican voting base will come together in the weeks leading up to November’s midterm elections once the fear of a Democratic majority sets in. 

“I think that the closer we get, within two, three weeks out of the election and Republicans understanding that there’s a chance that the Democrats take control of the House, I think that will start solidifying the Republican base,” Loyd told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons on “What America’s Thinking.” 
Loyd said it is too early to make midterm predictions because voters are not yet worried about potential outcomes. 
“That’s a little farther out right now, we have 76 days until the election, and I don’t think that people are talking about the consequences of this election,” he said. 
Democrats have maintained steady, double-digit leads on the generic ballot in recent months, but recent polling shows a shrinking gap between the two parties. 
A Monmouth University poll released on Wednesday found Democrats leading Republicans by just five points on the generic ballot. 
The election is widely expected to be a referendum on President Trump’s first two years of office, with Republicans warning he could face impeachment if they lose their majorities.
A new American Barometer poll, conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company found the president’s approval rating holding steady at 48 percent. 

— Julia Manchester

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