GOP pollster: Kavanuagh’s hearing will benefit Republicans regardless of the outcome

Republican pollster Conor Maguire said on Tuesday that President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing will benefit Republicans in November’s midterm elections regardless of the outcome.

“I think, either way, it’s a positive for Republican turnout,” Maguire, senior client strategist at WPA Intelligence, told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha on “What America’s Thinking.” 
“Either, one, we get to point to our conservative voters that we are following through with campaign promises, or two, we are getting to point out obstructionist Democrats that aren’t even giving the president a chance, and are not working with the president, and should be replaced,” he said. 
“The Republicans are in a pretty good situation with this,” he added. 
Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing in the Senate is scheduled for Sept. 4. 
He is Trump’s second Supreme Court pick, following Justice Neil Gorsuch, who was appointed to the high court last year. 
Trump was able to rally the Republican base during the 2016 presidential elections, in part, because of his promise to appoint more conservatives to the Supreme Court. 
Seventy-one percent of Republicans said the Senate should vote to confirm Kavanaugh, while only 17 percent of Democrats agreed, according to a Politico/Morning Consult poll released last month. 
Despite opposition from their party, Democratic senators facing uphill reelection bids in red states, such as Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), could tip the scale in favor of Kavanaugh next month. 


— Julia Manchester

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