Kavanagh nomination is Trump delivering on pledge to evangelicals, Gallup chief says

Gallup’s editor-in-chief Frank Newport said on Wednesday that President Trump’s nominations of Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court show he’s followed through on his pledge to evangelicals to appoint more conservatives to the high court. 

“When you interview them [evangelicals], people ask of course this typical question of, how can you support a man, who in his personal life certainly is not living what would be the ideal of a conservative Christian lifestyle,” Newport told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha on “What America’s Thinking.” 
He went on to say that evangelicals say ‘What we really appreciate is the fact that he’s appointing the justices who are going to keep the kinds of things we value in place in America, and not move us far off into the left, liberal mainstream.'” 
Gorsuch joined the high court last year, and Kavanaugh wrapped his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee last week. 
Kavanaugh and Gorsuch have expressed conservative views on a series of issues, including abortion. 
Evangelicals widely praised Trump’s decision to appoint Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court earlier this year, according to The Washington Post‘s faith column.
The Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) found in April that Trump holds a 75 percent favorability rating with white evangelicals. 

— Julia Manchester

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