Dem voter opposition to Kavanaugh outweighs GOP support for him

Democratic voters are more passionate about stopping Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination than Republican voters are about supporting him, according to a new poll released Monday.

The American Barometer, a nationwide survey conducted by Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, found that 43 percent of Republican voters said they were less likely to support a senator who voted against Kavanaugh, while 52 percent of Democratic voters said they were less likely to support a senator who votes for him.

Fifty-six percent of Democratic voters said they would be more likely to vote for their senator if the senator voted against Kavanaugh, while 33 percent of Democrats said it would not impact their support at the polls.

Fifty-four percent of Republicans surveyed said a vote for Kavanaugh would make them more likely to back their senator, while 38 percent of Republicans said it would not impact their support for the senator.

The New Yorker reported on Sunday that Senate Democrats were looking into a new allegation of sexual misconduct regarding Kavanaugh dating back to his freshman year at Yale University in the 1980s.

Deborah Ramirez, who also attended Yale, said Kavanaugh exposed himself in front of her during a gathering at the university. Kavanaugh has denied the allegation.

The poll was conducted before the second allegation surfaced on Sunday.

Ramirez’s accusation came a week after Christine Blasey Ford Ford went public with her allegation that Kavanaugh held her down on a bed and groped her during a high school party in 1982.

Ford and Kavanaugh are set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.

The American Barometer was conducted Sept. 21-22 among 1,000 registered voters by the HarrisX polling company. The sampling margin of error is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. 

— Julia Manchester

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