Evangelical voters driving support for Kavanaugh’s confirmation, says pollster

Democratic pollster Nancy Zdunkewicz on Wednesday said that white, evangelical voters make up a large part of the voters driving support for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. 

“The people who said that even if [allegations of sexual misconduct] were true, then it shouldn’t matter, we should still confirm him, that’s really driven by white, evangelical voters,” Zdunkewicz, managing editor at Democracy Corps, told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha on “What America’s Thinking.” 

“A vast majority of them say that that is the case. I wonder if that is part of a devil’s bargain or a cultural difference. I hope that it’s just a devil’s bargain,” she continued. 

An NPR/PBS News Hour/Marist survey released on Sept. 24 found that 67 percent of Republicans polled said they supported Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court. 

The poll also found that 58 percent of white, evangelicals said they supported President Trump’s Supreme Court pick. 

Kavanaugh is facing three sexual misconduct allegations from the nominee’s time in high school and college. 

Kavanaugh has fiercely denied all of the allegations.

Christine Blasey Ford has accused Kavanaugh of holding her down, groping her and attempting to remove her clothes during a high school party in 1982, while Deborah Ramirez has claimed he exposed himself without her consent during a gathering at Yale University a few years later.

Attorney Michael Avenatti released the identity of a client accusing Brett Kavanaugh of being present for a “gang rape” of which she was a victim in the 1980s. 

Julie Swetnick does not accuse Kavanaugh of attacking her but says he was present at a party where she was drugged with “Quaaludes or something similar” and attacked.

The survey was conducted before the third allegation was released, and the second allegation was reported while the poll was being conducted. 

— Julia Manchester

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