Conservative analyst says Dem voters likely to contribute to outside races

Conservative analyst Henry Olsen said in an interview that aired on “What America’s Thinking” Wednesday that Democratic voters are likely to contribute to races outside of where they live because of how angry they are with the Trump administration and Republicans. 

“Part of the rage that the average Democrat feels about Trump is expressing itself in record fundraising across the board,” Olsen, a senior fellow at the Democracy Fund Voter Study Group, told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha.

“If you’re progressive and you’re sitting in Montana, you’re as likely to send money to Beto O’Rourke as you are to John Tester because you’re trying to do a full court press,” he continued. 

“That’s why not only Beto O’Rourke has these incredible amounts of money, but House candidates, the number of House candidates who are first time challengers, who have raised multiple millions of dollars, the bulk of them from small-dollar contributions from websites is stunning,” he said. 

“It’s all an indication of how angry the third of America who are intensely partisan Democrats are about President Trump,” he said. 

The New York Times reported on Sunday that Democratic campaigns and outside funding groups are set to outspend their Republican counterparts in the last week before the midterms. 

Democratic congressional candidates combined raised more than $1 billion this election cycle through September, compared to $709 million for Republicans.

— Julia Manchester

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