Dems haven’t articulated long-term stance on immigration, says analyst

Democratic analyst Ruy Teixeira said on Monday that Democrats have not yet articulated their long-term stance on immigration. 

“The Democrats have not yet articulated, well, what exactly is their position on immigration,” Teixeira told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha on “What America’s Thinking.” 

“Obviously, they support [Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals]. They support immigrants in general. They oppose what Trump is for, but what is the Democrats’ solution, medium- to long-term, on the question of immigration?” he continued. 

“How many should come in? What should be the basis for immigration? What exactly do you do about border security? I think these three things are a little bit ambiguous in the Democratic camp, and that’s a vulnerability for them,” he said. 

Teixeira’s comments come as President Trump spars with Democrats on various immigration issues, including funding for his proposed border wall. 

Trump on Monday threatened to shut down the border permanently, and urged Congress to provide funding for a wall. 

Lawmakers are working to avoid a partial government shutdown over Trump’s demands for a border wall before the new Democratic-majority House takes over in January. 

Democrats have said they will not provide funding for Trump’s wall. 

— Julia Manchester

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