Hill.TV poll shows 48 percent approve of Trump

Forty-eight percent of Americans polled in a new American Barometer survey say they approve of President Trump’s performance in office. 

The poll showed 24 percent of respondents said they “strongly approved” of Trump, while another 24 percent said they “somewhat approve” of him. 

Fifty-two percent of those surveyed said they disapproved of the president, with 37 percent saying they “strongly disapprove” of him and 15 percent saying they “somewhat disapprove” of him. 

The American Barometer is a daily survey conducted by the HarrisX polling company on behalf of The Hill’s new video division, Hill.TV.
The poll comes weeks after the midterm elections, which saw Democrats retake the majority in the House, despite Trump campaigning for GOP House candidates across the country. 
Republican strategist Conor Maguire said despite Republican losses in the midterms, Trump’s latest approval ratings show Americans are satisfied with the economy under his administration. 
“We’re now seeing things kind of tread back to the economy, in terms of those numbers that show the president’s approval going up,” Maguire told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons on “What America’s Thinking.” “Those are some of the best approval numbers we’ve seen, at the high forties, low fifties — 53.”
The RealClearPolitics Presidential Average shows Trump’s approval rating at 42.7 percent, while his disapproval rating sits at 53.1 percent. 
The American Barometer was conducted Nov. 26-27 among 1,031 registered voters. The sampling margin of error is plus or minus 3.05 percentage points.

— Julia Manchester

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