GOP pollster says Dems should prioritize working with Republicans on infrastructure

GOP pollster Brett Loyd said on Wednesday that Democrats should try to work with Republicans on passing infrastructure reform in the new Congress.  

“If I’m an incoming freshman Democrat coming into Congress, I say ‘I know that I can get reelected if I work to pass infrastructure spending regardless of what it does for the president,’ ” Loyd, president and CEO of the Polling Company, told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha on “What America’s Thinking.”

“Infrastructure is a really easy target,” he continued. “Yes, it gives Donald Trump points. It does, and that’s unfortunate, but that’s not who you’re beholden to.” 

“You’re beholden to your constituents,” Loyd added. “Pass something. Do something while you’re in Congress.” 

The need for infrastructure reform is a rare area of agreement for Democrats and Republicans. 

Rep. Peter DeFazio (D-Ore.), who is expected to be chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee next year, signaled on Wednesday that Democrats would be willing to work with Trump on an infrastructure package.

“Infrastructure is to the benefit of all the people in the United States of America, Democrat, Republican, independent,” DeFazio said.

He also said that Democrats would “have plenty of other places to campaign against the president.” 

— Julia Manchester

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