Progressive strategist says changing demographics will help Dems

Progressive strategist Ruy Teixeira said in an interview that aired Monday on “What America’s Thinking” that changing demographics in the U.S. are benefitting the Democratic Party. 

“It is a fact that the way the demographics in the United States are evolving helps the Democrats,” Teixeira, a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress, told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons last week. 

“It merely provides an opportunity, but it’s not guaranteed,” he continued. 

Minorities, whose share of the U.S. population is growing, played a major role in November’s midterm elections, which saw Democrats take control of the House and win statewide and local races across the country. 

Hispanic and Asian voters in Nevada helped deliver victories to Sen.-elect Jacky Rosen (D), who defeated incumbent Sen. Dean Heller (R), while Hispanic voters in New Mexico helped propel Gov.-elect Michelle Lujan Grisham (D), who will be the state’s first Democratic Latina governor. 

— Julia Manchester

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