GOP pollster says Republicans always get blamed for shutdowns

GOP pollster Ed Goeas said on Wednesday that Republicans always end up getting blamed for government shutdowns. 

“In every shutdown, whether it’s a Republican president, a Democrat president, a Republican Congress, Democrat Congress, every shutdown … ultimately has been the Republicans that come to blame,” Goeas, the president and CEO of the Tarrance Group, told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha on “What America’s Thinking.” 

“I think some of it is media coverage, some of it is an assumption of a certain group of voters that assume that Republicans don’t care about people,” he continued. “When you start seeing things like concern over the government workers, that begins to bubble up.” 

Democrats and Republicans have failed to reach a deal on border security in order to end the partial government shutdown, which is in its fourth week. 

President Trump is demanding $5.7 billion for his proposed wall along the southern border, but Democrats have refused to provide him with the funding, offering just $1.3 billion for border security measures.

Recent poll suggests that public sentiment is against the Republicans. 

Reuters/Ipsos survey released on Tuesday found that 51 percent of Americans blame President Trump for the shutdown, while 34 percent pinned blame on congressional Democrats. 

— Julia Manchester

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