Analysts say most Americans want to see Trump’s tax returns

Analysts Dan Cox and Bill Schneider said in an interview that aired Wednesday on “What America’s Thinking” that the majority of Americans want to see President Trump’s tax returns released at some point. 

“Most of the public would like to see them,” Cox, a research fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, told Hill.TV’s Joe Concha. 

“I don’t know if they want to wait for six months of investigative grandstanding to do so, but I think they would like to see them,” he continued. 

Schneider, the former chief political analyst at CNN, told Concha in the same interview that Americans are bothered by the issue because it seems like the president is hiding something. 

“I think most people are bothered by the fact that he won’t release his tax returns because that means he’s hiding something, and they want to know what it is that he’s hiding,” he said. 

Trump’s tax returns have proven to be an issue ever since he announced his candidacy in 2015. 

He is the first president since Richard Nixon not to release his tax returns as a candidate for the White House. 

House Democrats are likely to investigate the president’s tax returns, along with other issues close to him, in the near future. 

A Harvard CAPS/Harris poll last month found that 63 percent of respondents said House Democratic leadership should be allowed to publicize Trump’s tax returns, while 37 percent said they should not be able to. 

— Julia Manchester

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