Pollster says white, working-class women are increasingly breaking for Dems

Democratic pollster Nancy Zdunkewicz on Monday said that white working-class women, a voting bloc that voted for Trump in large numbers in 2016, are increasingly moving toward Democrats over Trump in 2020 polls. 

“The white, working-class woman — these are white, non-college educated women, they have a lot in common with parts of the Democratic base,” Zdunkewicz, managing editor at Democracy Corps, told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons on “What America’s Thinking.” 

“They have very similar experiences with say, unmarried women, or other people who are in these service industry jobs,” she continued. 

“They are increasingly frustrated with Donald Trump. They voted for him in 2016 in large numbers,” she said. 

“What we saw in 2018 was one of the largest shifts in support towards the Democrats, was actually among these white, working-class women,” she said. “They are the real reason why he was able to take those Midwestern states and states like Florida as well.”

“That’s not a good sign if you’re a Republican,” she added. 

Zdunkewicz was referring to recent polling from Democracy Corps, which found that 49 percent of white, working-class women said they would support the Democratic candidate in 2020, while 46 percent said they would support Trump in his reelection bid. 

White, working-class men, on the other hand, showed strong support for Trump, with 71 percent saying they would support his reelection bid, and 23 percent saying they would vote for the Democratic candidate. 

— Julia Manchester

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