ThinkProgress editor says Americans ‘paying attention’ to debate over Trump’s tax returns

Jodi Enda, editor in chief of the progressive website ThinkProgress, said on Friday that recent polling shows that Americans are paying attention to questions about President Trump’s taxes and finances.

“I think this shows that Americans are paying attention and that they know what’s right,” Enda told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons. “They know that president’s generally do release their tax returns, and they know that that’s the right thing to do,” she continued. “So, I think that it’s interesting that this issue transcends partisanship, and it also shows that they’re kind of paying attention to what reporters are writing about, which is great news for us.” 

Enda was referring to an ABC News/Washington Post poll released late last month, which found that 60 percent of Americans said House Democrats should obtain and release President Trump’s tax returns, while 35 percent said they should not obtain and release his tax returns. 

Trump is the first president since Richard Nixon not to release his tax returns as a candidate for the White House. Nixon eventually released his returns after taking office.

Democrats say they want to examine Trump’s returns to learn about any potential conflicts of interest. A House Democratic bill would also require candidates to release their returns.

House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal (D-Mass.) is expected to request the Treasury Department to provide his panel with Trump’s returns, a move that will likely be challenged in court.

— Julia Manchester

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