Progressive strategist warns Dems not to focus on attacking Trump in 2020

Progressive strategist Ruy Teixeira warned Democratic 2020 candidates that they shouldn’t focus on attacking President Trump during the campaign. 

“Dwelling on how dishonest he is, and how he may have been a sexual predator, he may have been this, he may have been that in 2016 it didn’t work, why would it work in 2020?” Teixeira, author of “The Optimistic Leftist: Why the 21st Century Will Be Better Than You Think,” told host Jamal Simmons. 

“If you’re trying to close the sale with the American public, get elected to office in 2020, have a new regime, you got to talk about what you’re going to do, and how you’re going to be different, and how you’re going to help people who are out there, and how you’re on their side,” he continued. 

Democrats on Capitol Hill find themselves in a similar predicament about whether to move to impeach President Trump in the future. 

While leaders of the party’s caucus have urged caution on impeachment, progressives like Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), have pledged to move on the issue. 

Tlaib announced on Wednesday that she would soon introduce articles of impeachment against Trump. 

“We want to work on these economic justice issues, racial justice issues and everything. But guess what? There is a wall there, and a constitutional crisis that is not going to [let us] do our jobs as American Congress members to push a lot of these agendas forward,” the congresswoman said. 

Other Democrats argue it would be more politically benefitial to focus on issues like the economy. 

— Julia Manchester

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