Pollster says Dems likely to temper impeachment talk amid Mueller findings

Pollster Mallory Newall on Monday predicted to Hill.TV that Democrats will start to temper talk about impeaching President Trump following special counsel Robert Mueller’s conclusion that the Trump campaign did not coordinate or conspire with Russia during the 2016 election. 

“You will start to see the language around impeachment perhaps change,” Newall, research director at Ipsos Public Affairs, told host Jamal Simmons on “What America’s Thinking.” 

“People are split on impeachment,” she continued. “Most would rather see the president resign than be impeached.” 

“So I think maybe you’ll have some Democratic politicians and strategists starting to walk away from that as [Speaker] Nancy Pelosi [D-Calif.] has already done,” she said. 

Pelosi said earlier this month that it is not worth it for Democrats to try to impeach Trump. 

Progressive Democrats have called for the House to move to impeach the president. However, Mueller’s report may have put the campaign on the back burner for now, according to Newall.

Trump celebrated the report as “total exoneration,” but Democrats question Mueller’s lack of a conclusion on whether the president obstructed justice in the probe. 

Attorney General William Barr said he and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, upon reviewing Mueller’s findings, determined that the president did not obstruct justice.

Democrats, in turn, have called for more information on the probe to be released. 

— Julia Manchester

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