2020 candidates will have to navigate Dem voters’ age divide, says analyst

Political analyst Elaine Kamarck told Hill.TV on Friday that 2020 contenders will likely have to navigate the divide between older and younger voters while on the campaign trail. 

“A Joe Biden or a Bernie Sanders, for that matter, who did connect with young people four years ago, they really have to get into the heads of these younger voters,” Kamarck, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, told host Jamal Simmons on “What America’s Thinking.” 

“That being said, they’ve got a really tough situation because … the two big generations in American politics right now are millennials and baby boomers,” she continued. 

“So the generational tensions between sort of the baby boomers and their children, or the millennials and their parents, are going to come to the fore in this election, and we’re going to see it in a whole variety of issues,” she said. 

Thirty-one percent of likely voters between 18 and 29 years old said they prefer Sanders, an Independent  senator for Vermont, who was able to connect with young progressives during his 2016 presidential bid, according to a Harvard University Institute of Politics poll released this week. 

Biden, who has yet to officially enter the race, was the first choice of 20 percent of respondents, while former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas) trailed at 10 percent. 

— Julia Manchester

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