Media coverage of Trump investigations could hurt Dems, says GOP pollster

Republican pollster B.J. Martino says media coverage of Democratic-led investigations into President Trump could end up hurting Democrats ahead of 2020.

“Even though legislators can multitask, the media really doesn’t in terms of their focus and what they report on what Democrats are doing,” Martino, a partner at the Tarrance Group, told Hill.TV’s Jamal Simmons in an interview that aired Thursday on “What America’s Thinking.”

“Republicans passed a lot of things when we had control of the House, too, but you never heard about any of those things, and to the same extent, if Democrats are embroiled in hearing after hearing, what do you think is going to lead the news? What’s going to be at the top of the news Google search when you’re there?” he continued. “It’s going to be hearings, and that’s the problem that the Democratic leadership is grappling with right now.” 

Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill are walking a tricky path. On the one hand, they are trying to rein in the push for impeachment among many of their members after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 election, while also promising vigorous oversight of the Trump administration.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (Mass.) became the first 2020 Democratic candidate to say the House should begin impeachment proceedings, followed by Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), former Rep. Julián Castro (D-Texas), and Miramar, Fla. Mayor Wayne Messam (D).  

“And you have these presidential candidates, and as they become more desperate like Elizabeth Warren, they’re going to be coming out with even more strident statements,” Martino said. “The more folks you see going towards impeachment are the ones who are probably in the most danger.” 

House Democratic leaders on Monday, though, in a call with fellow lawmakers, cautioned against rushing into impeachment and called for more thorough investigations.

— Julia Manchester

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