Lack of objectivity in the news media is a ‘systemic problem,’ says polling editor

RealClearPolitics executive editor Carl Cannon said in an interview that aired Tuesday on Hill.TV that the news media has a “systemic problem” when it comes to objectivity. 

“What people hold against us is that we pretend to be objective and we aren’t,” Cannon told host Jamal Simmons on Monday. “This is a big systemic problem.”

“This exists in a business environment where the old, just the facts model doesn’t necessarily sell,” he continued. “You have a fiduciary responsibility to your publisher to be outlandish.” 

“The voters have noticed, and they don’t like it. It’s an existential problem,” he said. 

Cannon was discussing a new Marist poll on trust in U.S. societal institutions. 

Twenty-six percent of respondents said they had “a great deal/quite a lot” of confidence in the news media, while 72 percent said they had not much confidence in the media, or none at all. 

— Julia Manchester


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