Poll: Six in 10 voters approve of Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of Joe Biden

According to a new Hill-HarrisX poll, 60 percent of voters approve of Hillary Clinton’s endorsement of presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden, while 40 percent disapprove.

Approval among Democrats was high in the May 6 survey, at 88 percent.

Support among independents was split with 52 percent approval, and just 37 percent of Republicans approved.

When comparing endorsement approval to former White House rival Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the poll found that party approval remains about the same at 87 percent, but support among independent voters and Republicans was slightly higher.

Fifty-nine percent of independent voters supported Sanders’s endorsement of Biden in a April 19-20 survey, while 42 percent of Republican voters agreed.

“The public is somewhat split on Hillary Clinton’s decision to endorse Joe Biden for president, with slightly more people approv[ing], 60 percent, than disapproving, 40 percent,” Chris Jackson, Vice President of Ipsos, told Hill.TV.

“Independents are split, 52-48, which suggests this is not something that broadens the Democratic coalition — this is very much something that’s going to be really about bringing the existing Democratic Party together,” he added.

The Hill-HarrisX poll was conducted online among 957 registered voters on May 6. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.17 percentage points. 

— Gabriela Schulte

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