
Sebastian Gorka casts himself as Trump’s ‘pitbull’

White House national security aide Sebastian Gorka referred to himself as President Trump’s “pitbull” late Friday after a week of combative interviews with mainstream media outlets.

Fox News host Sean Hannity praised Gorka for taking on the “destroy-Trump media” during his show, asking the aide, “Why did you decide to do it?”

“Sooner or later, somebody has to push back,” Gorka responded. “We’ve got beautiful, intelligent women like Kellyanne Conway, we’ve got brave professionals like Sean Spicer. Somebody has to be the president’s pitbull, and I’m ready.”


Speaking on their rival network, Gorka proceeded to attack CNN and MSNBC by name for coverage of the Trump administration.

“They had a reputation. CNN in the war zones, MSNBC – it’s gone like a puff of smoke,” Gorka said. “They have a credibility crisis. Think about what they’re doing. They’ve been in this ‘collusion delusion’ for nine months.”

“Not one piece of evidence of any illegal activity, and they spin and they spin,” he added. “Somebody has to make them wake them up and I’m glad to help them.”

He also accused other networks of trying to go after the ratings with “lies.”

“They have a psychological issue,” he said. “They cannot believe the American people chose Donald Trump to be president.”

In one particularly tense exchange with CNN’s Anderson Cooper this week, Gorka informed the CNN host that his ratings “barely scratch 200,000” and noted that his show lost in the ratings last week to Nick at Nite, an offshoot of Nickelodeon. Hannity played the clip at the top of his interview with Gorka.

“OK. I’m just going to ignore the insults, because I don’t think it gets us anywhere,” Cooper responded.

Gorka has a history of ripping the news media. In April, he walked out of a Georgetown University event after protesters interrupted it, blaming the media for spreading “fake news.”

“I’m sorry for you,” Gorka said to the protesters at the event. “You are the victims of fake news.”