
Mega-donor wants president impeached; Trump calls him ‘wacky’

President Trump called Democratic mega-donor Tom Steyer “wacky and totally unhinged” over his ad campaign calling for Trump’s impeachment.

“Wacky & totally unhinged Tom Steyer, who has been fighting me and my Make America Great Again agenda from beginning, never wins elections!” the president tweeted. 

Steyer has blanketed cable news airwaves with $10 million in advertisements laying out the case for Trump’s impeachment. In the ad, Steyer criticizes Trump’s actions on health care, immigration and the environment and says a Republican Congress impeached Bill Clinton for less serious conduct.

Steyer also launched a digital ad buy on Thursday night, pressing House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) to support impeaching Trump. The Facebook ads for the campaign, which were first shared with The Hill, encourage Hoyer’s constituents to sign Steyer’s petition, which calls on Congress to support impeaching the president.

The Democratic donor is active in environmental causes and has been seen as a possible primary challenger for Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.).