
‘Manhattan Madam’ to testify before Mueller grand jury: report

Prostitution mogul Kristin Davis, nicknamed the “Manhattan Madam,” will testify before special counsel Robert Mueller’s grand jury this week, a source told NBC News

Mueller’s team questioned Davis last week about her close relationship with Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone, NBC also reported on Monday, citing the source with knowledge of the matter. Stone is the godfather of Davis’s son. 

Davis, who claims her high-end prostitution ring served about 10,000 powerful figures in New York City, has repeatedly insisted she does not know about collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, the subject of Mueller’s probe. 


Davis, who was released from a two-year jail sentence in May 2016, has said she could not know about Russian collusion because she was in prison during most of Trump’s presidential campaign. Davis was arrested for allegedly selling drugs to a federal informant.

Four sources told CNN last week that Mueller’s team is interested in Davis’s relationship with Stone. 

Stone last month said he is “probably” the unnamed person referenced in Mueller’s indictment against 12 Russian intelligence officers. Mueller’s report mentions an individual “who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump” and exchanged Twitter messages with Guccifer 2.0, an online persona allegedly used by the Kremlin officials. 

“Kristin Davis is a long time friend and associate of mine,” Stone said in a statement for CNN. “I am the Godfather to her 2 year-old son. She knows nothing about Russian Collusion, WikiLeaks collaboration or any other impropriety related to the 2016 election which I thought was the subject of this probe. I am highly confident she will testify truthfully if called upon to do so.”

Stone also revealed in June that he met with a Russian man who offered dirt on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign in exchange for $2 million from then-candidate Trump. Stone said he rejected the proposal.

Mueller’s team appears to be building a case against Stone. A federal judge in recent weeks ordered Stone associate Andrew Miller to also testify before Mueller’s grand jury