
Trump attacks niece in series of tweets: ‘She’s a mess!’

President Trump went after his niece Mary Trump in a series of tweets Friday evening, days after she released an unflattering tell-all book about his life and targeted him in multiple media appearances.

The president called Mary Trump “a seldom seen niece who knows little about me, says untruthful things about my wonderful parents (who couldn’t stand her!) and me, and violated” a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). The tweets also went after former national security adviser John Bolton, who released his own harshly critical memoir about his time in the Trump administration last month.

“She also broke the Law by [giving] out my … tax returns,” Trump added, referring to her claims that his niece was the source for a Pulitzer Prize-winning series of New York Times articles about his finances. “She’s a mess!”

The rebuke comes after the Tuesday publication of “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man,” which blasts the president as a narcissist and says that his father, Fred Trump, was a “high-functioning sociopath” whose treatment of his children created an “atmosphere of division.”

“Donald’s pathologies are so complex and his behaviors so often inexplicable that coming up with an accurate and comprehensive diagnosis would require a full battery of psychological and neuropsychological tests that he’ll never sit for,” writes Mary Trump, a clinical psychologist.

She also alleged in interviews this week that in the past she had heard the president make anti-Semitic remarks and use racial slurs.

“Growing up, it was sort of normal to hear them use the n-word or use anti-Semitic expressions,” Mary Trump told The Washington Post.


The pushback from the president, whose family went to court in a failed attempt to block “Too Much And Never Enough’s” release, marks the first time he’s publicly discussed the book since an interview with Axios in which he said Mary Trump shouldn’t be publishing it because of her NDA.