
Biden to sign coronavirus relief bill on Friday

President Biden plans to sign the $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill at the White House on Friday, press secretary Jen Psaki announced Wednesday as the House was on the verge of passing the mammoth relief package.

“I can announce that the president will sign the bill at the White House on Friday afternoon,” Psaki told reporters at an afternoon briefing.

“Once it is passed, the bill text will be checked, rechecked, printed and signed by the appropriate leaders in the House and Senate. The House clerks will then deliver it to the White House for the president’s signature. We expect that delivery to happen sometime tomorrow and then the president will sign it on Friday,” she said.

Psaki said that the Biden administration is “moving full-speed ahead on the implementation of the bill because we know the American people need help and need it as soon as possible.”

The House passed the bill shortly after her comments. In a statement, Biden thanked Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) for the passage of the “historic piece of legislation that addresses a major crisis and lifts up millions of Americans.”

“Now we move forward with the resources needed to vaccinate the nation. To get $1,400 in direct payments to 85% of American households. To expand coverage and help with lowering health care premiums. To give small businesses what they need to stay open. To expand unemployment insurance, provide food and nutrition assistance. To help keep a roof over people’s heads. To cut child poverty in half,” Biden said.
“This legislation is about giving the backbone of this nation  the essential workers, the working people who built this country, the people who keep this country going  a fighting chance,” the president said.

It’s unclear whether Biden will hold a signing ceremony for the bill, which could include lawmakers. Psaki did not offer further details about his plans for the bill signing.

Biden is due to deliver a prime-time address on Thursday marking the first anniversary of the coronavirus-related shutdowns.

The bill includes funding for $1,400 direct payments to many Americans, assistance for businesses, state and local governments, expansion of the child tax credit, and funding for vaccines and testing, among other provisions.

Biden and other administration officials are expected to hold events and take trips to highlight the provisions of the bill after it is signed into law. 

Updated at 2:34 p.m.